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  1. Yung-Fu Chang, Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences

    Yung-Fu Chang

    Title: Professor
    Department: Population Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences

    Roles: Faculty

    Research Areas: Animal Hosts, Disease Ecology and Evolution, Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Veterinary/Clinical Research, Viruses

    My research focuses on the pathogenesis of bacterial diseases and vaccine protection mechanisms.  My lab is working on the interaction of host receptors and virulence factors of C. difficile (toxins), Leptospira spp, and F. nucleatum (adhesins).  We are also working on the mucosa immunity against F. nucleatum and M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis using outer membrane vesicle delivery systems, with the goal of developing a vaccine against human colon cancer and Johne’s disease.

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  2. Andrew Clark, Molecular Biology & Genetics

    Andrew Clark

    Title: Professor
    Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics

    Roles: Faculty

    Research Areas: Animal Hosts, Disease Ecology and Evolution, Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Microbiota and Microbiomes, Veterinary/Clinical Research, Viruses

    We study the molecular evolution and population genetics of the immune system in Drosophila and other insects, specifically focusing on comparative genomics and transcriptional regulation of the immune response. We also explore host genetic variation in microbiome composition and function in a large human twin study and in the mouse model.

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  3. J. Brooks Crickard

    Title: Assistant Professor
    Department: Molecular Biology and Genetics

    Roles: Faculty, Potential MFF (REU) Host

    Research Areas: Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Microbiota and Microbiomes

    The Crickard lab studies chromosome maintenance pathways with a focus on homologous recombination. We use genetic approaches in combination with single molecule imaging to dissect molecular mechanisms. An example of a student project is expressing and purifying proteins to understand the role of signaling kinases in recombination.

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  4. Andre Dhondt

    Title: Professor
    Department: Lab of Ornithology

    Roles: Faculty

    Research Areas: Animal Hosts, Disease Ecology and Evolution, Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Veterinary/Clinical Research, Viruses

    The Dhondt lab has studied the bacterial disease mycoplasmal conjunctivitis since it emerged in birds around 1994. We currently study effects of coinfection by combining studies of Mycoplasmal gallisepticum, haemosporidian parasites and other pathogens in the same individual. Students participate in both field work (trapping, handling, and sampling birds) and lab work, as well as study blood smears to detect the presence of haemosporidian parasites.

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  5. Tobias Dörr, Cell & Molecular Biology

    Tobias Dörr

    Title: Assistant Professor
    Department: Microbiology

    Roles: Faculty, Potential MFF (REU) Host, Potential Postdoc Mentor, Potential Undergraduate Mentor

    Research Areas: Animal Hosts, Bacteria, Disease Ecology and Evolution, Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Microbiota and Microbiomes, Veterinary/Clinical Research

    We study how bacteria respond to and survive stressful conditions, particularly damage to the cell envelope. Students in the Doerr lab learn techniques ranging from microscopy and image analysis to molecular biology. The lab is very active with undergraduate research and has extensive experience in designing impactful short-term research projects for developing scientists.

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  6. Gerald Duhamel, Biomedical Sciences

    Gerald Duhamel

    Title: Professor
    Department: Biomedical Sciences

    Roles: Faculty

    Research Areas: Animal Hosts, Disease Ecology and Evolution, Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Microbiota and Microbiomes, Veterinary/Clinical Research, Viruses

    My research is focused on the eukaryotic cell DNA damage response (DDR) to a novel bacterial genotoxin called cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) within the context of intestinal disease of human and animals. I also have extensive experience in the development and assessment of laboratory animal models of disease and molecular mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions.

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  7. Stephen Ellner, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

    Stephen Ellner

    Title: Professor
    Department: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    Roles: Faculty, Potential Postdoc Mentor

    Research Areas: Animal Hosts, Disease Ecology and Evolution, Plant Hosts

    I am a theoretical ecologist working on disease transmission in multi-species communities characterized by functional traits. Students and postdocs in my research group have worked on a variety of projects related to control of invasive species in heterogeneous landscapes.

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  8. Heather Feaga, Microbiology

    Heather Feaga

    Title: Assistant Professor
    Department: Microbiology

    Roles: Faculty, Potential MFF (REU) Host, Potential Undergraduate Mentor

    Research Areas: Bacteria, Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Microbiota and Microbiomes

    The Feaga Lab uses structural, biochemical, and omics approaches to study bacterial ribosomes. Our research aims to identify new protein factors that interact with ribosomes and that keep protein synthesis running smoothly. Students will use transposon mutagenesis coupled to deep sequencing (Tn-Seq) to identify genes that are required for accurate protein synthesis. They will also use cutting-edge techniques like ribosome profiling and gain skills in genetics and molecular microbiology.  

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  9. Andrew Flyak

    Title: Assistant Professor
    Department: Microbiology & Immunology

    Roles: Faculty, Potential MFF (REU) Host, Potential Undergraduate Mentor

    Research Areas: Agriculture Research, Animal Hosts, Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Veterinary/Clinical Research, Viruses

    The Flyak lab studies human antibody response to viral pathogens. We try to answer questions like, how do human antibodies neutralize rapidly mutating viruses? And, how can we design vaccines that mimic effective antibody responses seen in some individuals? In our lab, we isolate antibodies from human individuals, characterize antibodies using a wide range of immunologic and biochemistry assays, and then use structural biology techniques to “see” how antibodies bind and neutralize viral pathogens. We are currently focused on discovering the main principles of effective antibody response to the highly genetically diverse Hepatitis C virus – a leading cause of chronic liver disease and liver cancer.

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  10. Deborah Fowell, Microbiology & Immunology

    Deborah Fowell

    Title: Professor, Chair
    Department: Microbiology & Immunology

    Roles: Faculty, Potential MFF (REU) Host

    Research Areas: Animal Hosts, Bacteria, Disease Ecology and Evolution, Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Veterinary/Clinical Research, Viruses

    We are actively engaged in defining the signals that enable effector T cells to ‘find’ areas of infection and damage within inflamed tissues. We utilize intravital multiphoton microscopy and optogenetic tools to visualize and manipulate effector CD4+ T cells in situ. These approaches have revealed extrinsic control of effector CD4+ T cell movement; with roles for chemokines in regulating accumulation and activation at inflamed sites, and roles for T cell integrins in promoting interactions with the extracellular matrix for guided movement. Intrinsic programming of effector CD4+ T cell subsets sets distinct thresholds for sensitivity to these extrinsic cues. By identifying key parameters for T cell effector activity in the inflamed dermis we aim to inform new inflammation-specific therapies.

    Read more about Deborah Fowell