Xander Wilcox

Xander was born and raised in the Ithaca, NY area and completed his bachelors at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. He went on to earn his PhD in chemistry and chemical biology in the labs of Dr. Andrew Fisher and Dr. Peter Beal at the University of California, Davis where he used structural biology to develop site-directed RNA editing therapeutics. In the Flyak lab, he is interested in structurally characterizing broadly neutralizing antibodies to aid in the development of a vaccine for Hepatitis C.
Outside of the lab, Xander enjoys traveling to National Parks, hiking, weightlifting, gardening, and homebrewing craft beer.
Title: CIHMID Postdoctoral Fellow
Department: Microbiology & Immunology, CVM
Roles: Faculty
Research Areas: Animal Hosts, Disease Ecology and Evolution, Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection, Viruses