REU Research Themes and Potential Projects
The MFF REU program places undergraduates in labs for hands-on research experience on a specific project. As the host labs are always rotating depending on availability and access, students should identify specific research themes in which they are interested. The REU organizers will then pair the student with a lab engaging with those same themes. Below are the central research themes and some of the host labs who typically engage with the subject.
For a complete list of CIHMID PIs and their associated research, please visit our PEOPLE page, select Potential MFF (REU) Host to view the mentor labs and their associated research themes.
AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH: Bogdanove Lab, Buckley Lab, Casteel Lab, Heck Lab, Pawlowska Lab
ANIMAL HOSTS: Angert Lab, Buchon Lab, Harrington Lab, Hendry Lab, Lazzaro Lab, Rudd Lab
BACTERIA: August Lab, Dorr Lab, Helmann Lab, Johnson Lab
DISEASE ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION: Brito Lab, Ellner Lab, Kessler Lab, Leifer Lab, McArt Lab, Moreau Lab
FUNGI: Pawlowska Lab, Xu Lab
GENETICS, GENOMICS, AND CELL BIOLOGY OF INFECTION: Brito Lab, Dhondt Lab, Messer Lab, Moeller Lab, Murdock Lab, Song Lab, Whittaker Lab
IMMUNOLOGY: August Lab, Leifer Lab, Parrish Lab, Rudd Lab, Song Lab, Whittaker Lab
MICROBIOTA AND MICROBIOMES: August Lab, Bogdanove Lab, Buckley Lab, Myers Lab, Parrish Lab
PLANT HOSTS: Helmann Lab, Hendry Lab, Kao-Kniffin Lab, Harrison Lab
VETERINARY/CLINICAL RESEARCH: Buchon Lab, Dorr Lab, Johnson Lab, Leifer Lab, Poole Lab
VIRUSES: Casteel Lab, Harrington Lab, Leifer Lab, Parrish Lab, Rudd Lab