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The links below include a subset of active research projects being conducted in CIHMID labs. Some of these projects may be form the basis for potential applications to the CIHMID Postdoctoral Training Program, although postdoctoral applicants are not required to choose a project from this list. Postdoctoral applicants may proposed novel projects that are not on this list, to be performed in collaboration with potential host labs. Applicants to the postdoctoral program must consult with their prospective collaborating labs before submitting an application.

This page also includes a list of potential faculty mentors for the Microbial Friends and Foes (MFF) research experience for non-Cornell undergraduate students and the CIHMID Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) for Cornell students.

    Postdoctoral Projects

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  1. Mosquito venereal transmission of arboviruses.

    Laura Harrington and Courtney Murdock
  2. Evolution of RNA Viruses

    John Parker and Iwijn de Vlaminck labs
  3. Host-microbe interactions

    Corrie Moreau lab
  4. Evolution of Symbiosis

    Adam Bogdanove and Miguel Piñeros labs
  5. Evolution of Symbiosis

    Andrew Moeller lab
  6. Mechanisms of Virus-Host Interactions

    Hector Aguilar-Carreno lab
  7. Opportunistic infections at the host-pathogen interface

    Nicolas Buchon, Stephen Ellner, Tobias Doerr, and Brian Lazzaro labs

    REU Host Labs

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    URE Host Labs

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