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Tag: Bacteria

  1. Daniel Sprockett

    Dan’s research focuses on the assembly and transmission of host-associated microbial communities. He is interested in understanding where your microbiota comes from in early life, how microbes are transmitted between hosts, and the ecological and evolutionary forces that shape these microbial communities as they develop[...]
  2. Professor Raina Plowright

    Raina Plowright

    Our lab seeks to understand and prevent spillover of zoonotic pathogens from wildlife to other species. We develop the science of pandemic prevention through collaborative, transdisciplinary science. We work in the field, the lab, and in silico, all with a commitment to translate the science[...]
  3. Amandine Gamble

    I investigate what drives hosts’ contributing to pathogen dynamics across biological scales, from host-pathogen molecular interactions to host species interactions. To do so, I combine theoretical, observational, and experimental approaches, and consider various study systems in the lab and in the field, including emerging bat-borne[...]
  4. Anthony Hay

    The Hay lab uses methods from microbial ecology, physiology, genomics, and genetics to understand how human activities affect microbes in diverse environmental settings. For instance, we study how handling of milk collection kits affects the microbiome of pumped human milk. Students will use genomics to[...]
  5. Dr. Jaehee Kim

    Jaehee Kim

    The Kim Lab focuses on the general fields of population genetics and evolutionary biology. Dr. Kim is interested in computational problems relevant to understanding evolutionary processes and population dynamics, and in development and application of statistical methods for inference from genetic data. In addition to[...]
  6. CIHMID Summer Symposium

    REGISTER HERE:   CIHMID is pleased to announce our annual Summer Research Symposium to be held on Thursday July 11, 2024. The Symposium will be held in Stocking Hall on the Ithaca campus and will a full day of research presentations from members of our community. A call for submitted abstracts will be released […]

  7. yellow wildflower

    CIHMID/CCFI Postdoc Travel Grants

    The Cornell Center for Immunology (CCFI) and Cornell Institute of Host-Microbe Interactions and Disease (CIHMID) are pleased to offer support to postdoctoral researchers who plan to attend scientific conferences during the 2022-2023 calendar years. CCFI and CIHMID will provide host labs up to $500 (total) to cover conference costs (registration, travel) for any postdoctoral researcher in […]

  8. Marian Schmidt, Microbiology

    Marian Schmidt

    The Schmidt lab focuses on microbial community diversity, metabolic activity, and genome evolution in aquatic environments. Students will gain experience with microbial ecology and computational tools. As an example project, students can characterize the microbial communities in marine sediments associated with oyster beds to understand[...]
  9. CIHMID URE students presenting their research, summer 2021

    CIHMID/CCFI Joint Symposium

    REGISTER HERE:  CIHMID, and the Cornell Center For Immunology (CCFI) will present a joint research symposium, open to the Cornell community. And despite the uncertainty surrounding Covid, and the Omicron variant specifically, CIHMID and CCFI are confident our joint symposium will be safe, and accessible for all attendees. As of right now our plan is to […]

  10. Deborah Fowell, Microbiology & Immunology

    Deborah Fowell

    We are actively engaged in defining the signals that enable effector T cells to ‘find’ areas of infection and damage within inflamed tissues. We utilize intravital multiphoton microscopy and optogenetic tools to visualize and manipulate effector CD4+ T cells in situ. These approaches have revealed extrinsic[...]