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Research Area: Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology of Infection

  1. John Helmann, Microbiology

    John Helmann

    We use Bacillus subtilis as a model system to characterize the bacterial stress responses elicited by metal ion limitation and excess during infection, and by host-produced antibiotics that interfere with integrity of the cell envelope. The resulting insights are relevant for understanding the mechanisms that allow bacterial[...]
  2. Michelle Heck, Boyce Thompson Institute

    Michelle Heck

    Our research uses a combination of molecular, genetic, and proteomics approaches to understand how insects transmit plant pathogens and how pathogens manipulate host plants to ensure replication and transmission. For instance, students will characterize the transmission rates of viruses by different genotypes of aphids in[...]
  3. Maria Harrison, Boyce Thomspon Institute

    Maria Harrison

    Most flowering plants develop mutualistic symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to improve access to essential mineral nutrients. The fungal endosymbionts are housed in membrane-bound compartments within root cells. Our research combines genetic, genomic and cell biology approaches to dissect the plant and fungal cellular[...]
  4. Laura Harrington, Entomolgy

    Laura Harrington

    My research focuses on the biology, ecology and behavior of mosquitoes that transmit human diseases such as dengue fever, West Nile virus and malaria. I have developed methods for studying blood feeding patterns, survival and longevity, mating behavior and feeding behavior of mosquitoes in both[...]
  5. Megan Greischar

    Megan Greischar

    Parasite life history strategies within the host, especially the timing of replication and transmission, influence disease severity and spread. I study how subtle differences in ecology within and outside the host can generate dramatic differences in parasite strategies. My research program uses two major approaches:[...]
  6. Tobias Dörr, Cell & Molecular Biology

    Tobias Dörr

    We study how bacteria respond to and survive stressful conditions, particularly damage to the cell envelope. Students in the Doerr lab learn techniques ranging from microscopy and image analysis to molecular biology. The lab is very active with undergraduate research and has extensive experience in[...]
  7. Pamela Chang, Immunology and Chemical Biology

    Pamela Chang

    Our research focuses primarily on three areas: We develop activity-based probes to understand the metabolic activity catalyzed by the gut microbiome during different disease states. We also characterize the small-molecule metabolites produced by the gut microbiota that regulate inflammation during inflammatory diseases and host defense[...]
  8. Clare Casteel, PPPMB

    Clare Casteel

    Numerous studies demonstrate that vector-borne pathogens influence host characteristics, resulting in altered host-vector interactions and enhanced transmission. We seek to determine the molecular mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon and use this knowledge to develop innovative control strategies using genetic and biochemical approaches. Current focuses are[...]
  9. Nicholas Buchon, Department of Entomology

    Nicolas Buchon

    The Buchon lab focuses on the impact of pathogens and the microbiota on body homeostasis. We use systemic infection as a model for septicemia, and the gut response to infection as a model for mucosal immunity. Genomic and genetic approaches allow us to characterize new[...]
  10. Gary Blissard, Boyce Thompson Institute

    Gary Blissard

    The Blissard lab addresses fundamental questions on the biology and pathology of virus-insect interactions. A primary focus is the study of viral envelope glycoproteins and their interactions with host insect cells and cell proteins during viral entry and egress. Another focus are is understanding the[...]