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Research Area: Animal Hosts

  1. Andrew Clark, Molecular Biology & Genetics

    Andrew Clark

    We study the molecular evolution and population genetics of the immune system in Drosophila and other insects, specifically focusing on comparative genomics and transcriptional regulation of the immune response. We also explore host genetic variation in microbiome composition and function in a large human twin study and[...]
  2. Yung-Fu Chang, Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences

    Yung-Fu Chang

    My research focuses on the pathogenesis of bacterial diseases and vaccine protection mechanisms.  My lab is working on the interaction of host receptors and virulence factors of C. difficile (toxins), Leptospira spp, and F. nucleatum (adhesins).  We are also working on the mucosa immunity against F. nucleatum and M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis using outer membrane vesicle[...]
  3. Gary Whittaker, Microbiology and Immunology

    Gary Whittaker

    My lab has a broad interest in the structure and function of viral envelope proteins, and how genomic mutations lead to changes in the envelope proteins and control viral pathogenesis. We primarily study influenza viruses of humans and animals, and coronaviruses, principally, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and[...]
  4. Maren Vitousek, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    Maren Vitousek

    My lab studies how stress and social interactions alter the biological state of organisms and their gut microbes. Much of our work uses free-living passerine birds as systems to test the gut microbial impacts of stress and social connectedness. Student projects will involve field work[...]
  5. Brian VanderVen, Microbiology and Immunology

    Brian VanderVen

    We study how M.tuberculosis is capable of surviving within humans for decades in the face of a fully competent immune response.  Our focus is primarily on the bacterial pathways, innate immunity, and the evolution of bacterial drug resistance in mammalian hosts.
  6. Jeongmin Song, Microbiology and Immunology

    Jeongmin Song

    The unifying themes of my ongoing research program are seeking to understand the underlying mechanisms that control the pathogenesis and disease associated with bacterial infections, as well as developing control strategies for the bacteria or its associated disease. The main focus for the past years[...]
  7. Krysten Schuler

    My research group focuses on free-ranging North America wildlife to improve health outcomes across a variety of species, their pathogens and parasites.  At the Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, we derive solutions from novel mathematical applications, innovative diagnostic evaluations, field-based studies, and human dimensions of wildlife[...]
  8. Brian Rudd, Microbiology and Immunology

    Brian Rudd

    The Rudd lab is interested in how microbes alter immune development and how the adaptive immune system protects the host against acute and chronic pathogens.
  9. Colin Parrish, Virology

    Colin Parrish

    My laboratory studies viruses, with a particular focus on viruses that have jumped into new hosts to cause epidemics of disease. One model we study is canine parvovirus, which is a cat virus that transferred into dogs in the mid-1970s and subsequently caused a global[...]
  10. John Parker, Microbiology and Immunology

    John Parker

    The Parker lab uses the mammalian orthoreovirus model system and other human viruses to study virus-host interactions at the molecular and cellular level. Current projects are focused on the mechanisms viruses use to overcome translational repression and optimize translation of viral mRNAs, as well as[...]