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Virology Journal Club

The first Cornell Virology Journal Club meeting of the semester will be Thursday February 3rd at 11am – time chosen at random, and we can discuss a better time if this is a conflict for people. The goal is to have a journal club, presentations, or discussions on virology – broadly defined.

This week will be on Zoom (MEETING LINK), but in the future we will be having some in person or hybrid meetings (as the Cornell rules, room availability, and technology allows). The Zoom link for meetings this semester is below – Brian Wasik and Sarah Saddoris are co-hosts (and will add the presenter as well each week).
There is a Google Doc for signing up for the dates, which also has a record of previous semesters – we will go until the end of the Semester – last meeting is May 10th

The Virology Journal Club is led by Dr. Colin Parrish, and Dr. Brian Wasik. We discuss papers that have been published recently, historical papers, or people can present research findings or new methods. Feel free to be creative! To receive each week’s paper by email, subscribe to the CIHMID email list.